Welcome to Virginia Living’s Real Estate All-Stars online submission form. If you work within a real estate team, please submit your whole team’s total sales volume for 2024. Please keep in mind, you must use sale prices when calculating this volume and not listing prices. This is something we will be auditing. Double-end commission (double-dipping) can be counted towards your total sales volume. Also, please be sure to submit along with your sales volume a letter from your company’s accounting team or CFO verifying your team’s sales volume. Any submissions without this letter will not be considered.
The agents and teams with the highest volumes will be listed in Virginia Living‘s exclusive online Directory beginning in early July, 2025. The deadline to submit your sales is March 7th, 2025. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
If submitting by mail, please click here to download a PDF form to fill out and submit to:
Professional Research Services
5750 New King Dr., Suite 100 Troy, MI 48098
248-691-1800 ext 174